Articles by Sounding Future authors on current audio topics.


Electronic Music - Media Art - Music aesthetics
Werner Jauk Profilfoto Werner Jauk
From rational mechanistic culture to the presence of the "sonic" media worlds experienced unnoticed through listening to the music of EVERY BODY.
Electroacoustic music - Sound Art - Media Art
Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka Profilfoto Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka
Loudspeakers are more than just technical devices. How "listening in transition" can be designed and what makes loudspeakers so fascinating as a material.
Audiosoftware - Electronic Music - Composition
Daniel Mayer Profilfoto Daniel Mayer
Why experiment with sound using software? Sound and coding in my practice as a composer, researcher and teacher.
3D Audio - Electronic Music - Composition
Veronika Mayer Veronika Mayer
Which came first - the sound or the room? In search of the right sound, I rediscover the potential of Ambisonics.
Electronic Music - Composition - Contemporary music
Elisabeth Schimana Profilfoto Elisabeth Schimana
How composers use the medium of sound in contrast to writing as a process-oriented score for musicians by means of new methods.
Audiosoftware - Composition
Electric Indigo Profilfoto Electric Indigo
A guide to using spatial effects in multi-channel live-sets and implementing automation for return tracks in Ableton Live.
Audiosoftware - Electronic Music
Seppo Gründler Seppo Gründler
The exemplary history of interfaces in electronic music - or how the switch became a pixel.
Electronic Music - Composition - Contemporary music
John Eckhardt Profilfoto John Eckhardt
Overview of projects that use bass instruments as a starting point for research into different tactile approaches.
DIY Electronics - Electronic Music - Music aesthetics
Thomas Grill Profilfoto Thomas Grill
Active instead of passive: self-determined handling of complex technologies, active and critical shaping of our lives with them - discursive instead of control.
Media Art
Nicolas Collins Profilfoto Nicolas Collins
Devil's Music (1985) - a performance about the global media, local culture and the interference of the individual.
Electronic Music - Improvisation
Karlheinz Essl Karlheinz Essl
Experience with analog modular synthesizers and no-input mixers after decades of making digital music with computers and self-written software.
3D Audio - Electronic Music
Natasha Barrett Profilfoto Natasha Barrett
Explore key moments in 3D sound installations designed to immerse listeners in urban soundscapes and reveal hidden sonic features.
Media Art - Music pedagogy - Public Space
Felix Blume Profilfoto Félix Blume
A short selection of listening exercises that are usually suggested during workshops, sound walks or lectures on listening awareness.