3D AudioSpace

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// Latest articles

Nick Berns

We’ve been hearing a lot about AI music over the past year. But several years before this recent wave of audio generation, big tech companies like Google and OpenAI were testing the waters with open source AI music models. This inspired me to build DrumloopAI, a beat generator that offers an easy-to-use…

Electronic Music
David Pirrò
Electronic Music, Music and AI
Markus Deisenberger
3D Audio, Audiosoftware, Interfaces
Shirly Spikes

// Latest articles

Geräuschteppich Installation
DIY Electronics, Sound Art
Sound as Relation
Christine Schoerkhuber
Musik und KI
Electronic Music, Music and AI
Artificial intelligence in music: feared, trivialized, demonized (part 2)
Markus Deisenberger
Hand und Wellenform
DIY Electronics, Interfaces, Composition
The human voice as a sensor-based electronic live instrument
Ulla Rauter
Suno vs Udio
Composition, Music and AI
Video Editors Are the Next Frontier for AI Music Generators
Ezra Sandzer-Bell

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// Hands-on

Eli Fieldsteel
Electronic Music, Pure Data
Andrew R. Brown
Electronic Music, VST Plugins, Audiorecording
Dan Worrall
Audio-Bibliotheken, Audiorecording
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

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