Articles by Sounding Future authors on current audio topics.


Electronic Music - Music and AI
Markus Deisenberger Markus Deisenberger
To what extent is artificial intelligence changing the way music is produced?
Amir Teymuri Amir Teymuri
Dynamic Time Warping ist eine Methode zur Zeitreihenanalyse. Teymuri nutzt sie, um Übergänge zwischen Klangsequenzen als kompositorisches Material zu bilden.
3D Audio - Audiosoftware
Thibaut Carpentier Thibaut Carpentier
Ircam Spat is an extensive toolkit for spatial audio. Running in the Max environment, it features more than 300 modules.
3D Audio - Electroacoustic music - Electronic Music
Fränk Zimmer Profilfoto Fränk Zimmer
In the 3D AudioSpace of Sounding Future, artists present their audio tracks in high-quality 3D audio.
Audiosoftware - Music and AI
Nick Berns Nick Berns
DrumloopAI, a beat generator with a user-friendly interface and a pleasant user experience.
Electronic Music
David Pirro David Pirrò
A brief introduction to Speculative Sound Synthesis, present its conceptual background, and examine several artistic case studies.
Electronic Music - Music and AI
Markus Deisenberger Markus Deisenberger
"How do we want to shape AI? And what does the development of AI have to do with the invention of the railroad?
3D Audio - Audiosoftware - Interfaces
Shirly Spikes Shirly Spikes
When it comes to sound design, it can be tricky in XR. Mostly because the sound design needs to match the aesthetics of the experience.
DIY Electronics - Sound Art
Christina Schörkhuber Christine Schoerkhuber
Thoughts on sound installations by Christine Schörkhuber.
Electronic Music - Music and AI
Markus Deisenberger Markus Deisenberger
Musik und KI: Chancen und Möglichkeiten für den Bildungsbereich. Dringende Fragen nach Transparenz, Fairness und Vielfalt.
DIY Electronics - Interfaces - Composition
Ulla Rauter Ulla Rauter
Development of experimental interfaces for the gestural and haptic control of artificial voices in live performances.
Composition - Music and AI
Ezra Sandzer bell Ezra Sandzer-Bell
AI is revolutionising film and music: the future belongs to AI tools that offer orchestral scores and adaptive workflows for filmmakers and creatives.
Composition - Contemporary music
Peter Jakober Peter Jakober
The tempolyphonic musical work of the composer Peter Jakober.
3D Audio - Electronic Music
Lucivico Vignaga Ludovico Vignaga
Ludovico Vignaga helped artists navigate the immersive audio world, adapting and enhancing their work across a wide range of multichannel and 3D sound setups.
Columbia River Annea Lockwood, Nate Wooley
Annea Lockwood and Nate Wooley began documenting the sounds of the Columbia River in early 2024.
3D Audio - Composition - Contemporary music
Julian Kämper Julian Kämper
Sounddramaturgien develops performance formats for a headphone-wearing audience – with the vision of narratively designing the audible space as a parameter.
Audiohardware - Improvisation - Contemporary music
Alessandro Baticci Alessandro Baticci
Digitaize is a unique technology that creates a symbiosis between analogue and digital, opening up unique possibilities for expression.
Music and AI
Markus Deisenberger Markus Deisenberger
Markus Deisenberger explores questions about music and AI from different perspectives in a three-part series. Part 1.
3D Audio - Electronic Music - Composition
Fränk Zimmer Profilfoto Fränk Zimmer
A review of the 3D Audio Production Competition for students in 2024. Presentation of the winners and their audio tracks.
Composition - Contemporary music
Bernhard Lang Bernhard Lang
In this article, I examine the principle of overwriting and meta-composition in my series of 41 Monadologies.
3D Audio - Electroacoustic music - Composition
Robert Seaback Robert Seaback
The article discusses the technical aspects of the 3D audio compositions “site-unspecific” and “Still Life”.