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For over a decade, I’ve helped artists navigate the immersive audio world, adapting and enhancing their work across a wide range of multichannel and 3D sound setups. From emerging talents to icons like Nicolas Jaar, Murcof, and Suzanne Ciani, I’ve witnessed many common challenges – both creative and technical.…
3D AudioSpace
We are currently developing the 3D AudioSpace, a new innovative audio streaming platform. It offers a stage for artists from all over the world to present their works in high-quality binaural 3D audio, making immersive sound worlds accessible to a global audience – without the need for special hardware or apps. Our platform is currently run by a small team of volunteers with a lot of dedication and passion.
// Latest articles
Music and AI
Artificial intelligence in music: feared, trivialized, demonized (part 1)Markus Deisenberger |
3D Audio, Electronic Music, Composition
Student 3D Audio Production Competition 2024Fränk Zimmer |
Composition, Contemporary music
The Second Writing: On Metacomposition and Overpainting in the Monadologies.Bernhard Lang |
3D Audio, Electroacoustic music, Composition
Practical and Poetic Spaces in "Still Life"Robert Seaback |
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