Leonie Strecker

Leonie Strecker is a composer and sound artist. She works with the possibilities of the symbolic and semantic nature of sound, combining live performance and acousmatic sound to create hybrids of concert music, performance, and installation. In her works, which often work with spatial audio systems, the use of the voice as a means of sound production and as a way of incorporating text and a sense of human presence is a central element. Strecker's work includes electro-acoustic music as well as works for soloists and ensembles. Her works have been performed at festivals such as Musikprotokoll (AT), La Biennale di Venezia (IT), Audio Art (PL) and Time Canvas (BE), as well as at venues such as Kunstpalast Düsseldorf (DE), Kunstsammlung NRW (DE), De Singel Arts Centre Antwerp (BE), and ZKM Karlsruhe (DE).