ORF musikprotokoll 2024

musikprotokoll 2024 on the theme of "Spaces of Freedom" will take place in Graz from October 3 to 6, 2024.

musikprotokoll 2024 Grafik
1 min

Freedoms are spaces of possibility. Music as a form of expression and entertainment needs them to be able to emerge. The musikprotokoll 2024 asks: What does a restriction and expansion of freedom do to music, its creators, and, not least, to us as listeners? We want to address socio-political conditions, musical approaches, and the increasingly present artificial intelligence in its facilitation of freedom in musical contexts. We have issued many composition commissions in which composers can pick up the thread and explore self-generated spaces with very different approaches.

All information about the program can be found here from the end of June 2024.

Info: https://musikprotokoll.orf.at


3D Audio, Electronic Music, Contemporary music