ISEA-International Symposium on Electronic Art 2024: academic and student open call

Founded in the Netherlands in 1990, ISEA International (formerly Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts) is an international nonprofit organization fostering interdisciplinary academic discourse and exchange among culturally diverse organizations and individuals working with art, science, and technology. The main activity of ISEA International is the annual International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA). The first symposia took place in 1988; the next edition will be held in Brisbane in 2024.

isea open call


Open Call

2 min

The ISEA2024 academic conference will reflect on the theme, Everywhen. Exploring the interrelations between place time and story through papers, panels, demos, institutional presentations, artist talks, keynotes, and workshops, constituting a meeting point for artists, scientists, technologists and theorists to share their research and work.

We invite submissions that respond to the theme, Everywhen, and the sub-themes: Ecologies of place, Shifting temporalities, Resilient stories, and Speculative practices.

If we conceptualize the Everywhen as a constellation of thought, then the source is the artistic and academic generosity of the ISEA community, as it engages, imagines, and explores a multitude of temporal-spatial potentialities.  In this spirit we welcome submissions that challenge the traditional academic paper format,  sharing of ideas through storytelling, visual essays, and other innovative modalities.

We encourage all submissions that discuss how the theme of Everywhen, and notions of place, time and story emerge and are explored within the fields of electronic arts, creative technology, digital culture, and all manners of art-science-technology collaboration not yet born.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Computational media art as a critical and constructive intervention to the ongoing construction of social reality
  • Culturally safe virtual spaces
  • Creative robotics and human-machine partnerships
  • The politics of machine learning algorithms and other new optical regimes
  • Machine learning as a co-creator
  • Bio-art and artificial life
  • Theories of post-image, new aesthetics, and computer vision
  • Media art archiving
  • Posthuman, transhuman, and ’more than human’ paradigms
  • Transmedia storytelling
  • Indigenous futures
  • Digital museology, cultural heritage, and archaeological reconstruction
  • ‘Bleeding edge’ concepts from art-science-technology
  • Tactical media for social good
  • All modes of augmented, mixed, extended, and virtual realities from interactive digital worlds to metaverse
  • Art-science collaborations and practices.
  • New approaches to artistic research and creative practice-based methodologies.

ISEA2024 will be held between 21-29 June 2024. The academic conference will be held at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre from 24-26 June 2024. Workshops and artist talks will be held at other venues before or after the academic conference. 

Open call:
The call for academic submissions, both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed has now been extended. The new close date will be midnight on Sunday, 14 January 2024 AEST. 

More info:


2024 Speculative Futures Digital Arts Student Competition

Co-sponsored with the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community

Call for submissions:
The International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA 2024) and the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Committee are sponsoring the Speculative Futures International Student Competition. Connecting with this year’s ISEA theme, EveryWhen, the Speculative Futures Exhibition seeks to challenge and expand our understanding of the creative and research processes of knowing about ourselves and the world around us.

Speculative Futures


25 March 2024 


Electronic Music