ISEA-International Symposium on Electronic Art 2024

Die akademische Konferenz ISEA2024 wird sich mit dem Thema "Everywhen" befassen. In Vorträgen, Panels, Demos, institutionellen Präsentationen, Künstlergesprächen, Keynotes und Workshops werden die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Ort, Zeit und Geschichte erforscht und ein Treffpunkt für Künstler, Wissenschaftler, Technologen und Theoretiker geschaffen, um ihre Forschung und Arbeit auszutauschen.

isea open call
1 min

Founded in the Netherlands in 1990, ISEA International (formerly Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts) is an international nonprofit organization fostering interdisciplinary academic discourse and exchange among culturally diverse organizations and individuals working with art, science, and technology. The main activity of ISEA International is the annual International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA). The first symposia took place in 1988; the next edition will be held in Brisbane in 2024.

ISEA2024 will be held between 21-29 June 2024. The academic conference will be held at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre from 24-26 June 2024. Workshops and artist talks will be held at other venues before or after the academic conference.



Audiosoftware, Electronic Music, Sound Art