Electroacoustic Spring 2024

Electroacoustic Spring is the annual (since 2014) electroacoustic music festival in Rethymno, Crete. The program includes compositions from various trends in electroacoustic music where recent and older works of the international repertoire are presented. The works are played with a loudspeaker orchestra around the audience.

electroacoustic spring frog graphic
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Electroacoustic Spring 2024 presents a special tribute, with five compositions, to Francis Dhomont (1926–2023). The program also includes works by Rocío Cano Valiño, Horacio Vaggione, Elizabeth Anderson, Thomas Gorbach, João Pedro Oliveira, Mario Mary, Christine Groult, Bjarni Gunnarsson, Dimitris Barnias, Nikolas Valsamakis, Stelios Giannoulakis, Stelios Zoumadakis and Katerina Tzedaki.

The festival will take place on May 31 & June 1, at 8.30 pm, in the auditorium of the Department of Music Technology & Acoustics (HMU).

Infos: https://mta.hmu.gr/en/activities/musical-events/electroacoustic-spring-…


Electroacoustic music, Sound Art, Composition