Bruckner Remixed In Space by Wolfgang Dorninger

Bruckner Remixed with organ, trumpet, electronics and DIY sound tools in different sound spaces in the church of St. Severin in Linz.

Bruckner Remixed mit Orgel, Trompete, Electronics und DIY Sound Tools
1 min

“Bruckner Remixed In Space” by Wolfgang Dorninger an_TON_Linz 2024

Date: September 20, 2024 at 19:30
Venue: Church of St. Severin, Lederergasse 50, Linz

No admission, a donation is requested.
Registration due to limited room capacity by email to dorninger[at]

Artistic team

Geza Eisserer - sound system (36 Tannoy speakers in various designs)
Fatima El Kosht - trumpet, flute
Wolfgang Kreuzhuber - organ
Wolfgang Dorninger - organizer, concept, music, remix, electronics

Pedro Velasquez-Diaz, Johann Götzenberger (both tenor) and Michael Pittrof, Heinrich Reinthaler (both bass) “Zwei Sängersprüche Remixed” - vocal recordings in advance
Peter Androsch - organ recordings in advance

“Bruckner Remixed In Space”

The performance will take place in the church of St. Severin in the large, resonating nave with organ, in several small, different-sounding rooms around the nave and in the garden of the parish. A total of 36 Tannoy loudspeakers from Geza Eisserer's collection will be set up in different designs and in an acousmatic performance arrangement. During the performance, auditory perception, the situation of pure listening, is important; there are no visuals. Bruckner's works are so heavily processed using audio software that the music sounds like a distant “200-year-old” echo.

Why this practice, why this heavy editing, why remix?

Anton Bruckner liked to improvise a lot on the organ. Improvisation is therefore an essential strand of my Bruckner remix, which I make sound in my own way using contemporary audio software and self-soldered sound equipment. Anton Bruckner was innovative, ahead of his time and therefore often criticized by traditionalists. This is another strand that is taken up in “Bruckner Remixed In Space”, because although I use the core of Bruckner's works, I completely detach the body of sound and the performance practice from the notated work and the musical evaluation. Dynamics and energy characterize Bruckner's music, not only in rhythm, but also in the sound spectrum. In the Bruckner remix, the dynamics are exhausted to the point of silence and the electronic sound body with organ (Wolfgang Kreuzhuber), trumpet and flute (Fatima El-Kosht) is stretched to “infinity” in the sound space by the acousmatic performance arrangement of the loudspeakers. The same applies to Bruckner's emotional worlds in his music.

Performance duration: approximately 70 minutes

More information:


DIY Electronics, Electronic Music